This guide explains how you can edit a user so that their presence and calls are displayed to other members of their department.

You can also edit the operations users are able to make during calls such as: pick up a parked call, barge-in or send to the IVR. Add or remove the right for a user to record calls and which calls these rights are applied to.

*You will need access to the admin console to make these changes. Please speak to the helpdesk if you don't have admin permissions on your system*


From your Admin Console go to Users. Click on the user you want to edit and navigate to the View option. From here you can enable of disable any one of the following functions:

  • Show My Calls
  • Presence
  • Calls
  • Operations

Each function is described in more detail below.

Show My Calls 

The ‘Show My Calls’ function gives you the choice to display the user’s call information to other team members. When enabled if a user dials any number, the call information is shown to other users in their department.


User Noor has “Show My Calls” enabled and dials number 17778732492. User Rana, who is a member of Noor’s department, will be able to see the number Noor is talking to.

If disabled, call information is NOT shown to other users. Rana will only see that Noor is on a call.


When enabled the ‘Presence’ function allows the user to see the status of other members in their department.


Rana has “Presence” enabled. Rana can now see the Presence status for the Cartier Department.

When disabled, the user will not see any information about their department’s presence.


With the ‘Calls’ function enabled users are able to see other users' calls who are in the same department as them.


Noor and Rana have the “Calls” option enabled. Noor makes an outbound call. Rana will see the call being made. If calls are disabled, Rana will just see the presence of Noor. 


The ‘Operations’ function allows users to perform certain actions to control calls using call pickup, digital receptionists and more:

  • Pickup
  • Transfer & Divert
  • Park & Unpark
  • Intercom
  • Control IVR

For Barge-in, Listen and Whisper a user must be assigned one these roles:

  • Manager
  • Owner
  • System Owner


From your Admin Console go to Users. Click any user and navigate to the Options menu. From here you can control an extension’s call recordings (off, external calls only, or all calls):

  • If the checkbox Show call recording” is checked, the user’s recordings are accessible to other departments’ managers, group owners and system owners.
  • If the checkbox “Allow deletion of recordings” is checked, the user can delete recordings.
  • If the checkbox “Can start and stop recordings” is checked, the user is able to start and stop recording operations on an active call.